ISO New England Upload
It is our understanding that the following rules apply for uploading:
- Members are free to manipulate the current month’s event and performance data up
to the 20th day of the following month. After that day, the system will not
accept any insertion, deletion or modification to the data.
- For performance data, the lockout criterion is determined by the Year and Month
specified in each record. For example, March 2012 data is locked as of April 21st
- For event data, the lock out criteria is determined by the year and month fields
of the Event Start Date. This means members can only insert or update events that
were started during the reporting month. The only exception allowed is to close
an open event that started in an earlier month.
- Following the NERC convention, each month’s submission may contain YTD data. However,
previous month’s data may not be modified if the lock imposed by the administrator
is in effect. The only exception is to close an on-going event that started in a
previous month.
- The ISO-NE GADS administrator has the ability to unlock the system for the members
to perform update.
Specific instructions for uploading the single GADS data file created by the GADS
Open Source software are shown below:
Go to the ISO New England PowerGADS website
by clicking on the link.
Once you have logged into the website, access the GADS Data Import screen
from the Operation Data Menu
Select the file format to be used, then click Import File.
Locate the file containing the data to be submitted (See details below).
05 and 07 records must be submitted within a single, combined file (unlike
NERC OATI’s requirement).
Finally, click Import Card.
You will create the single, combined file using either the GADS Open Source Data
Entry or Dashboard application using the ISO New England (ISO-NE) Format.
Unless you have changed the default location, these can be found in the same folder
where the application is installed (typically C:\GADSOS).
Single, combined file: the file will be named Combined_ISONE_Data_*.txt.
It is important to remember that this is an “All or Nothing” import.
If you do not see the message "Data Imported Successfully", it means that none of
the data was saved.
For questions - Customer Support at
| ph: 1-413-535-4156