Generating Availability Data System (GADS): NERC Training

NERC Generating Availability Data System (GADS) Conventional and Wind Training

NERC in-person training will be offered on conventional and wind reporting for GADS. The purpose of the training is to assist reporters in using a uniform approach to reporting and measuring North American generating plant availability, performance, and other related reliability data.

Conventional GADS training will include items such as how GADS data is used, events and performance, combined cycle component versus block reporting, the case for event reviews, review of cause codes, examples of poorly reported events to NERC, understanding Data Reporting Instructions (DRI) Appendix F: Equations, and the data submittal process at Open Access Technology International (OATI).

Wind GADS training will include the reporting implementation timeline, entity registration, processes, and reports. Additionally, the data submittal process through the NERC GADS Wind reporting application will be covered.

2019 GADS training has been completed. 2020 GADS training dates will be announced as soon as details become available from NERC.