by ronfluegge
4. June 2015 10:29
There have been no major updates/releases yet for 2015. Once the NERC GADS Working Group finalizes the cause code list for 2015, we’ll have an update announcement; otherwise, there have been no changes in either code or NERC GADS requirements to warrant a new release at this time.
The 15.x.x.x release will require Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5.2. (The first number in the version is the release year so 15.x.x.x is a 2015 release)
GADS OS prior to Version is based on Framework 3.5 SP1 that was released on 08/11/2008. There will no longer be Microsoft mainstream support for the Framework 3.5 SP1 version after January 13, 2015 (service pack support end date: 04/09/2013) … i.e., no longer supported on this date.
Microsoft recommends that customers and developers using .NET Framework 4, 4.5, or 4.5.1 complete the in-place update to .NET Framework 4.5.2 before January 12, 2016 to continue receiving technical support and more importantly security updates.
Framework 4.5.2 was released on 05/05/2014 and is released for the following supported platforms: Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows Vista SP2, plus Windows Server 2012/2012 R2, and Windows Server 2008 SP2/2008 R2 SP1.
There are no significant code changes in going from 14.x.x.x to 15.x.x.x; just compiler changes required to target Framework 4.5.2.
by ronfluegge
1. June 2015 11:16
Today is June 1st and the start of the PJM 2015 Summer Verification Test Period. The PJM test period runs from June 1 through August 31, 2015. All units in the PJM Capacity Market must test to their Summer Installed Capacity during this time. Additionally, all units, with the exception of Hydro, Pumped Hydro and Diesel, must ambient correct their test data. Also, Hydro and Pumped Hydro units must perform their once per year test during this period.
The due date for data submission is September 30, 2015. Any generator not submitting a Summer test, without due cause, will be considered by PJM 100% forced out for the entire Summer period of June 1 through November 30, 2015.
There is no tolerance given to test results. All units must test to their exact Installed Capacity Value or greater.When a unit fails its verification test, a derating event should be placed in GADS to cover the deficiency. If this is done by the operator, the test result and the derating amount will be added and then compared to the Total ICAP Commitment Amount. If the derating is input by PJM, only the test result will be compared to the Total ICAP Commitment Amount and could result in an ICAP Shortfall.
The rules for verification testing can be found in Manual 21 on the PJM web site under the tab Documents/Manuals.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of the PJM GADS Administrators at
by ronfluegge
20. May 2015 17:25
The NERC GADS Working Group met on May 20, 2015 via a Conference Call
Agenda Items
1. Updates– Gary
a. State of Reliability Report (SoRR)
b. Work plan
c. Working group roster
2. Technical sub-committee updates – Leeth
a. Duplicate cause codes
b. Benchmarking scope
c. Data reporting instructions (DRI) pilot process
3. Validation Checks - Lee
For detailed call notes, click on link below:
GADSWG Review of the Wind 1600 Responses