by ronfluegge
11. August 2014 23:59
Our GADS Open Source software has been included in the New York State Reliability Council’s Policy No. 5-8 - Procedure for Establishing New York Control Area Installed Capacity Requirements (see attached or go to )
"The multi-state model for each unit is derived from the collection of forced and partial outages that occur over the most recent five-year period using benchmarked GADS Open Source (OS) software as described in Appendix E."
Search the document for “GADS”, but pay specific attention to Appendix E - Development of Generator Transition Rate Matrices for MARS that are Consistent with the EFORd Reliability Index
Beginning on page 33 and continuing on page 34:
“In order to generate the metrics needed to populate the transition rate matrices for the generating units modeled in MARS, the above methodology was coded into the GADS Open Source software package but modified as described above. The GADS Open Source (GADS OS) is the software utilized by the NYISO to analyze generator performance data. It is used to calculate the generator performance indexes used in determining a generator’s UCAP value and, now, for developing the transition rates that are used in the MARS model. GADS OS allows electric generating companies to collect and report validated GADS performance data and event data. GADS OS can be found at this link:
“GADS OS, written by industry veteran Ron Fluegge, consists of two open source applications— GADS OS Data Entry and GADS OS Analysis & Reporting to analyze the GADS data. Besides the use of this software for submittal of GADS data to NERC and the NYISO, the software is also used for submittal of data to the ISO New England, PJM, and the MISO.”
Final POLICY 5-8 approved July 11 2014 v.2.pdf (811.67 kb)
by ronfluegge
26. March 2014 17:08
External Notification for Release to Market Participants
March 26th, 2014
B326 – ICAP Reference System
The ICAP Reference System will automate the ICAP market mitigation measures currently performed manually by the Market Mitigation and Analysis Group. Utilizing a web-based data portal, the MPs will be able to upload and review their market mitigation measure, while the NYISO will use this data portal to review the MP’s inputs. This new system will increase transparency, provide a structure for open dialogue and potentially assist in avoiding disputes.
by ronfluegge
24. March 2014 17:03
The NYISO Market Training Department is offering its annual Generating Availability Data System (GADS) Seminar on April 22, 2014 from 8:30 AM – 12 Noon; being held at the NYISO facility located at 10 Krey Boulevard Rensselaer, NY 12144.
This half day seminar is intended for individuals directly responsible for handling the submittal of their organization’s generating availability data, or for those individuals who support that function.
The topics to be covered include:
• GADS History & Origins
• Design/Performance/Event Data
• Common Errors
• Example Scenarios
• GADS Software
• Use of GADS Data
• Panel Discussion
The cost of the class is $250, which includes a hot breakfast and a lunch ‘to-go’ at the end of the seminar.
Additionally, you may request to purchase printed course materials during your registration check out, request a complimentary CD of the materials, or opt to obtain the materials directly from our website a week prior to class at no additional charge.
Participants may conveniently be invoiced or pay with a MasterCard/ VISA/Discover card.
To sign up for the seminar select the attached link and complete the registration process at:
For additional information please contact Debra L. Doyle at 518-356-6274.