GADS Wind Turbine Generation Data Reporting

by ronfluegge 12. December 2018 19:41

Wind plants with a Total Installed Capacity of 75 MW or more with a commissioning date of January 1, 2005 or later are required to report on a quarterly basis according to the following phased in schedule:

January 1, 2019: Mandatory reporting begins for plants with a Total Installed Capacity of 100 MW or larger

January 1, 2020: Mandatory reporting begins for plants with a Total Installed Capacity between 75 MW and 99.99 MW

The GADS Wind Turbine Generation Data Reporting Instructions have been developed to assist wind plant personnel in reporting information to NERC’s GADS Wind Reporting application. The instructions detail the procedures, schedule, and format to follow when reporting data. 

Questions regarding reporting requirements for wind may be directed to

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Natural gas fuel starvation at large power plants in the U.S. and the effect of gas delivery arrangements on reliability

by ronfluegge 25. September 2018 20:53

Natural gas fuel starvation at large power plants in the U.S. and the effect of gas delivery arrangements on reliability

Gerad Freeman, Jay Apt & John Moura

36th USAEE/IAEE North America Conference

Washington, D.C.

September 25, 2018


Power plant failures are correlated with each other

Planners use historical data to anticipate the amount of power plant capacity needed.

• They previously assumed that power plants fail independently.

• In 2018, Murphy et al. showed that this assumption was violated in most regions

• This could lead to increased risks of blackouts.

• They did not identify why there were correlated power plant failures.

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NERC Training Announcement - GADS Conventional and Wind Training

by ronfluegge 4. August 2018 13:41

The NERC Generating Availability Data System Working Group (GADSWG) implements a uniform approach to reporting and measuring North American generating plant availability, performance and other related reliability data.

Conventional GADS training will include items such as how GADS data is used, events and performance, combined cycle component versus block reporting, the case for event reviews, review of cause codes, examples of poorly reported events to NERC, understanding Data Reporting Instructions (DRI) Appendix F: Equations and the data submittal process at Open Access Technology International (OATI).

Wind GADS training will include the reporting implementation timeline, entity registration, processes and reports. Additionally, the data submittal process through the NERC GADS Wind reporting application will be covered.

The GADSWG will offer training at the following location:

Week of October 15th at SERC Reliability Corporation, Charlotte, NC
Click here for Training at SERC in Charlotte, NC

Training classes conducted are:
•    An introductory session for new conventional GADS reporters on Monday
•    Conventional GADS material will be covered on Tuesday
•    Appendix F  and analytics in conventional GADS will be covered on Wednesday
•    GADS Wind material will be covered on Thursday and Friday

Training Schedule:
•    Monday | Noon – 1:00 p.m. Registration | 1:00 p.m. – 4:00. p.m. Introductory Session
•    Tuesday | 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. | Conventional GADS
•    Wednesday | 9:00 a.m. – Noon | Conventional GADS Appendix F Equations and Analytics
•    Thursday | 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. | Wind GADS
•    Friday | 9:00 a.m. – Noon | Wind GADS

Although registration is required, there is no fee for this training.  Continental breakfast and lunch will be included.

For more information or assistance, please contact NERC via email: for conventional units or for wind plants.

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