by ronfluegge
11. January 2013 15:49
All GADS generators that have Admin access to the NERC OATI system must login and “Review” their Contact and Unit information for the year 2013.
The review just needs to be completed by the time you submit your 1st quarter 2013 data to NERC (April 30, 2013).
OATI's WebE-GADS throws an error if someone tries to submit their data to NERC and they have not verified the contacts and units are correct.
Jay Powell at NERC may work with OATI to generate an automated reminder in the future which alerts functional entities registered in webE-GADS that this step in necessary to begin a new reporting cycle.
by ronfluegge
11. January 2013 10:23
All PJM Utility representatives that have Admin access to the OATI system must login and “Review” their Contact and Unit information for the year 2013.
If this is not done, PJM will not be able to submit your 2013 GADS data to NERC/OATI.
If you have any questions, let the PJM GADS Administrators know.
by ronfluegge
18. December 2012 15:47
The 2012 FERC audit of NERC requires a justification for a number of historical activities that NERC provided over the years. Included in the mix is justification for continuing support of pc-GAR, Manufacturer’s Support Systems (MSS), benchmarking work, and special studies. FERC wants testimonials (letters) from users (generating companies, ISOs, consulting groups, manufacturers, etc.) as to why NERC should continue supporting these works. Otherwise, NERC cannot provide anyone with those services or the GADS data outside NERC.
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) is requesting comment on its proposal to adopt criteria for use in determining whether particular activities are within the scope of Section 215 of the Federal Power Act and thus may be funded under Section 215.
Click Here for Request: Proposed Criteria for Determining Scope of Section 215 Activities: Request for Comments
Comments are due December 21, 2012.
For more information or assistance, please contact David Cook ( or at (202-644-8047).