Recent Project actions in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

by ronfluegge 23. March 2020 16:19

Our priorities are the health and safety of our employees. We continue to take necessary precautions to reduce possible risks from COVID-19.

The GADS Open Source Project remains fully operational.

We will continue to monitor information from the state of Texas and federal governments and work closely with state and local health department officials as the situation evolves in the days and weeks ahead.

We have taken the following actions to maintain critical business operations and protect the health and well-being of our employees.

  • We have implemented a work-from-home schedule to reduce employee exposure to the virus while maintaining business operations.
  • User support meetings will be conducted via teleconference for the foreseeable future.
  • Internal meetings will be conducted via teleconference, and in-person meetings reduced to essential only and will follow social distancing protocols.
  • All business travel has been suspended.
  • Outside visitors are restricted to those critical to ensuring business continuity.
  • Individual employee health is being monitored on a daily basis.
  • Additional protocols for office sanitation, social distancing, hand washing and other CDC protocols are being followed.



Microsoft Warns Customers of DoppelPaymer Ransomware Threat

by ronfluegge 22. November 2019 09:54

Microsoft lists the following measure customers should take to block ransomware attacks and prevent data loss:

  • Keep your Windows Operating System and antivirus up-to-date. Upgrade to Windows 10.
  • Regularly back-up your files in an external hard-drive.
  • Enable file history or system protection. In your Windows 10 or Windows 8.1 devices, you must have your file history enabled and you have to setup a drive for file history.
  • Use OneDrive for Consumer or for Business.
  • Beware of phishing emails, spams, and clicking malicious attachment.
  • Use Microsoft Edge to get SmartScreen protection. It will prevent you from browsing sites that are known to be hosting exploits, and protect you from socially-engineered attacks such as phishing and malware downloads.
  • Disable the loading of macros in your Office programs.
  • Disable your Remote Desktop feature whenever possible.
  • Use two factor authentication.
  • Use a safe and password-protected internet connection.
  • Avoid browsing web sites that are known for being malware breeding grounds (illegal download sites, porn sites, etc.).

Switching From Web-based GADS Software to GADS Open Source

by ronfluegge 8. November 2019 15:09

If you are a smaller generating company (e.g., single plant site, municipal, etc) and currently run web-based GADS reporting software such as MicroGADS Gold, you might be doing so because you don't have an IT department to support installing software or running something like SQL Server or Oracle ... as a result you're running a vendor's software on their web servers.

If you need or want to switch to GADS Open Source, we have a solution for you.

Our software can also use the Microsoft Access that is a part of Microsoft Office, which you probably already use.

We can provide at no cost installation support and data migration to install everything needed on a desktop/laptop or shared drive ... everything runs in-house; no vendor costs.

Feel free to contact us at any time to explore how we can be of assistance.

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