by ronfluegge
20. September 2011 09:58
The Outercurve Foundation accepted the generating availability data system open source (GADS/OS) project into the Data, Language and System Inoperability Gallery.
GADS/OS allows electric generating companies to collect and report validated performance data and event data, including outage, de-rating, non-curtailing and reserve shutdown events, in standard formats as required by the North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC) and all major independent system operators.
HBS Solomon Associates developed the project and sold it as GADS NxL from 2004 through March 2011. Solomon published the source code inApril 2011. The code is being used to collect and analyze data from such companies as the Tennessee Valley Authority, Calpine (NYSE: CPN), Westar Energy (NYSE: WR) and Luminant. The New York ISO and the ISO New England also use the code base.
Generator owners in North America will be required to report performance data through NERC’s GADS beginning Jan. 1, 2012.
The GADS Open Source Project, an independent community of power generating plant engineers and software developers, contributed the project.