by ronfluegge
1. October 2015 19:42
The NERC GADS Working Group met on September 30 - October 1, 2015 at NERC in Atlanta and via a Conference Call
Agenda Items
Day 1:
• GADSWG roster updated - Margaret
• Wind DRI – feedback from the PC - Gary
• pc-GAR status on future plans – Lee
pc-GAR allows users to create peer groups that are more in line with their units.
• Input for the 2016 work plan:
Analysis of GADS Data, Sinnott Murphy, Carnegie Mellon University
Study the distribution of unavailable capacity due to unplanned events
“What is the 99th percentile of unplanned unavailable capacity?”
Generate data to feed into NERC probabilistic analyses
Programmatic approach that will support repeated analyses in the future
FOR, EFOR & EFORd – discussion and presentation – Jack Norris
Regional coordinator workshop – Brad
Leeth offering to present on data quality at workshop
Data quality – Leeth
From data Lee provided
Day 2:
• Review 2016 work plan priorities:
Key focus areas for training
Impact of poor data quality
Examples from Southern Company – Leeth
Developing the training plan
Develop a basic guide for data entry
Maintain /refresh the NERC FAQ page
Chapter for the State of Reliability Report (SoRR)
• In-person meetings:
Two in 2016, location in Atlanta?
Combine an in-person meeting with the OATI Energy Conference in the fall. Offer training in GADS at the conference?
• Technical sub team report out
Data Reporting Instructions (DRI) updates
Examples of poor data quality – Leeth
Alignment of DRI / OATI – Lee
Cause codes
Cause code location for IGCC
Ed’s email re: CCs and GTs
• Vice-chair appointment
• Future scope of GADSWG
Roundtable: How should the GADSWG evolve as an organization? For reference, the original scope of the organization can be found here.
Membership structure
For detailed call notes, click on link below:
GADSWG Meeting Conference Call Notes - September 30 - October 1, 2015